On the left, that’s me. Benno, 46 years old, owner of 3 jeans and fashion shops in The Hague. Started building about 2 years ago. Nothing felt like my old ugly and heavy yellow glass rod, so the surge was on for a modern light glass blank.
Ben, the one without hair is a carpenter / joiner. Same age, friends since childhood. Does all the wood and cork work.
We only build light glass and splitcane rods. 1-5wt because these ones we use ourselves. Occasionally we use a 7 or 8wt for throwing big streamers for pike. Do have it in glass, but prefer carbon. Big long glass rods are just too heavy. So we’re not glass geeks! Big waters for long casts we also prefer carbon. We also skip the whole S-glass, fast-glass, S2-super bla bla glass game. Think it’s like copying carbon with glass. Take a low module carbon or older graphite, and you got the same effect at half the price and weight. The flexible E-Glass up to 4/5wt is so much fun on smaller streams. You can fish lighter weights and smaller tippets. The glass absorbs it all. And can tell what fish, length, weight and date of birth all the way down in the grip at first strike 😉