Jared Lane & Rich Hacker
The day started like any other; riddled with anticipation, fear of defeat, and breakfast beers. The night’s cool air still hung heavy over the river as we launched the boat, in pursuit of musky.
We were starting the journey against a deficit. Weary and sore from casting against outrageous winds the day prior, and not much besides a handful of big bass to show for it. Today, we needed the wind, and the odds, to be in our favour. The casts had been placed and it was time to settle up with the toothy beasts.
I opened the boat box and made my selection deliberately. The fly had produced for me multiple times on this water, and I knew it would be the best option for the morning. The man on the bow had his doubts, and his druthers about casting my selection. Like any good boat mate however, he heeded the captain’s call, and prepared for battle.
The first few casts were made to make acquaintance with the cumbersome fly, and the fourth cast was placed with precision to the base of a log. Strip, strip, BOOOM! Nerves and an over eager eat left the line limp. It is not often you are greeted by a musky on your fourth cast of the day. The odds were in our favour.
I rowed into position on the other side of the tree, and the hunter again landed a dialed in cast right on target. Strip, strip, striBOOM! Another savagely slashing eat, and the line screamed tight. Rich was tied into his first musky on the fly. It was a battle and celebration I will never forget. The slime flying, the high fives, coursing adrenaline, success.
Sharing moments like that are what it’s all about. Seeing the awe, wonder, and adrenaline from an outside perspective, is just as rewarding as having the eat for yourself. Five casts in and the fish of a lifetime?! I’ve had legions of amazing moments on the water this year, in incredible fisheries, but when I look back, this is the most memorable.